One of the hardest things that many people struggle with is self-confidence, including me. The reason behind this is that we all hate at least one thing about ourselves. It's honestly sad. Though, it wouldn't be realistic if we all loved ourselves for who we are. One can only dream. I think that what people need to realize is that life is simply too short to criticize our physical appearances, personality, the clothing we wear, jobs we may or may not have, or whatever it may be. Down to a single atom. It's toxic to treat ourselves this way. To criticize everything about ourselves is a black hole you don't want to fall into because once you start, you won't be able to stop.
To stop self-criticism, you need to start being more confident in yourself and who you are. You need to trust that just because you don't fit the beauty standards you aren't beautiful. Because you are. Beauty standards are a big, fat lie. It's all bullshit. The whole concept is fake and unrealistic. Why would you want to meet the 'beauty standards'? Let's face it, if you met the beauty standards, you would be like everyone else and in this world, it's much better to stand out. Trust that there is something beautiful about all of us. There is something about us to feel confident about…all you have to do is bring it out.
You can start by practicing to be confident. And to help with that, here are 5 ways to boost your confidence;
1. Make a list of qualities that you love about yourself
Don't even think that you don't love anything about yourself because that would be a lie. No one can truly completely hate themselves. Unless you're a criminal…okay, but jokes aside. There is always that one thing that you would never want to change about yourself. Dig deep, be honest, be self-compassionate, and write your list. Once you do, put the paper somewhere you can see it, like on a mirror or the walls of your room. If you are typing the list on your laptop, you can either print it out or you can use the document as a screensaver. That way, you see it every day. If you want to go the extra mile, you can add your list on a sticky note or add it to a cute background from Canva.
2. Dress up and take yourself out
The perfect way to practice self-love and confidence. I feel so much confidence when I am dressed up, and my hair and makeup done. I know what you must be thinking; "Haven't you told us that we should love ourselves for who we are, without makeup?" Well, yes. That is what my entire blog is about; embracing our flaws, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't put on makeup anymore. Makeup exists not to cover up your insecurities, but to bring out your confidence. In other words, makeup is meant to extenuate your beautiful features.
3. Practice Positive Self-Talk
This is one of the most important things you need to do to practice confidence, self-love, and self-compassion. The more you doubt yourself, the less confident you are in yourself and your abilities to achieve something. Positive self-talk is powerful and if you do it consistently, it will not only change your mindset, but it will boost your confidence.
4. Wherever you go, walk in like you own the place
No matter where you go, practice walking into the place with confidence. Act like you own the place. Just strut. Roll your shoulders back, keep your head held high, and strut. Remember, fake it till you make it. Once you can do this without fear, you not only become more confident in yourself but also attract people to look at you. Don't be afraid of being looked at because they are simply admiring you. Being admired can also boost your confidence.
5. Write & speak daily affirmations tailored to self-love and confidence
Daily affirmations truly work if you believe in them and if you stay consistent. I started them last month and I have never felt so good about myself. All you have to do is a simple Google search of self-love and confident affirmations and boom, in front of you are millions of affirmations to choose from.
Here are some of my favorite affirmations tailored to self-love and confidence.
I trust my intuition and make decisions with confidence, knowing that I am capable of making the right choices for myself.
I take care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally, knowing that self-care is essential for building and maintaining confidence.
I am open to learning and growth, recognizing that mistakes and failures are opportunities for growth and self-improvement.
I am proud of who I am and my accomplishments, and I celebrate my successes with joy and gratitude.
I am worthy of love and respect, and I choose to treat myself with kindness and compassion every day.
I trust in my own abilities and know that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
I am confident in my own unique talents and strengths, and I use them to bring joy and positivity into the world.
I am proud of who I am, and I accept myself fully, flaws and all.
I choose to focus on my own happiness and well-being, and I let go of any negative thoughts or self-doubt.
I am confident in my own path and trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
Lastly, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and own who you are. You are capable of being confident and achieving your goals in life. You are capable of doing what you put your mind to. You are so capable of anything you want. All you have to do is believe in yourself.